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Selected Papers | Click on icon for link to paper | or click for publication list

Planet and Moon

Biological research and self-driving labs in deep space supported by artificial intelligence

L.M. Sanders, J.H. Yang, R.T. Scott, A.A. Qutub, H.G. Martin, D.C. Berrios, J.JA Hastings, J. Rask, G. Mackintosh, A.L. Hoarfrost, S.Chalk, J. Kalantari, K. Khezeli, E.L. Antonsen, Joel Babdor, R. Barker, S.E. Baranzini, A. Beheshti, G.M. Delgado-Aparicio, B.S. Glicksberg, C.S. Greene, M. Haendel, A.A. Hamid, P. Heller, D. Jamieson, K.J. Jarvis, S.V. Komarova, M. Komorowski, P. Kothiyal, A. Mahabal, U. Manor, C.E. Mason, M. Matar, G.I. Mias, J. Miller, J.G. Myers Jr, C. Nelson, J. Oribello, S.-m. Park, P. Parsons-Wingerter, R.K. Prabhu, R.J. Reynolds, A.Saravia-Butler, S. Saria, A. Sawyer, N.K. Singh, F. Soboczenski, M. Snyder, K. Soman, C.A. Theriot, D.V. Valen, K. Venkateswaran, L. Warren, L. Worthey, M. Zitnik, S.V. Costes


Nature Machine Intelligence, 2023, 5, 208-219

Planet and Moon
Living Neural Networks: Dynamic Network Analysis of
Developing Neural Progenitor Cells

A.S. Mahadevan, N.E. Grandel, A. Ligeralde, J.T. Robinson, K. Francis, A.A. Qutub 

bioRxiv 055533

Health Signatures During COVID-19:
A Precision Fitness Case Study
A Novel Self-Organizing Embryonic Stem Cell System Reveals Signaling Logic Underlying the Patterning of Human Ectoderm

G. Britton, I. Heemskerk, R. Hodge, A.A. Qutub, A. Warmflash 

Development, 2019, 146: dev179093

Highlighted by Development (Micro)patterning the Human Ectoderm (Oct 2019)

Image-based Classification of Tumor Type and Growth Rate using Machine Learning: a preclinical study

T.T. Tang, J. Zawaski, K. Francis, A.A. Qutub, M.W. Gaber

Scientific Reports, 2019, 9: 12529.

Planet and Moon
Visually Guided Clustering in Biowheel: An Integration of Semi-Supervised Clustering with Interactive Visualization

C.W. Hu, A.J. Bisberg, A.A. Qutub

bioRxiv 099739

Proteomic Profiling of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Identifies Two Protein Signatures Associated with Relapse

F.W. Hoff, C.W. Hu, A.A. Qutub, Y. Qiu, M.J. Hornbaker, C. Bueso-Ramos, H.A. Abbas, S.M. Post, E.S.J.M., de Bont, S.M. Kornblau 

Proteomics – Clinical Applications 16: e1800133, 2019

Recurrent Patterns of Protein Expression Signatures in Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): Recognition and Therapeutic Guidance

F. Hoff, C.W. Hu, Y.H. Qiu, A. Ligeralde, E. de Bont, S.Y. Yoo, A.A. Qutub, S.M. Kornblau, T. Horton

Molecular Cancer Research, 2018

Planet and Moon
Recognition of Recurrent Protein Expression Patterns in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Suggest New Therapeutic Targets

F. Hoff, C.W. Hu, Y.H. Qiu, S.Y. Yoo, E. de Bont, H. Mahmud, A.A. Qutub, T. Horton, S.M. Kornblau

Molecular Cancer Research, 2018

Planet and Moon
Histone Modification Patterns using RPPA-based Profiling Predict Outcome in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Patients

A.D. van Dijk, C.W. Hu, E.S.J.M. de Bont, Y.H. Qiu, F.W. Hoff, S.Y. Yoo, K.R. Coombes, A.A. Qutub, S.M. Kornblau

Proteomics, 2018

Planet and Moon
Advances in Glioblastoma Multiforme Treatment: New Models for Nanoparticle Therapy

E.O. Kaynak, A.A. Qutub, O.Y. Celiktas

Frontiers in Physiology, 2018

Planet and Moon
Shrinkage Clustering: A Fast and Size-Constrained Algorithm for Biomedical Application

C.W. Hu, H. Li, A.A. Qutub

BMC Bioinformatics, 2018

Planet and Moon
Quantitative Morphological and Cytological Analyses in Leukemia

C. Lantos, S.M. Kornblau, A.A. Qutub

In: Hematology: Latest Research & Clinical Advances, 2018

Planet and Moon
Proteomics in Leukemia

C.W. Hu and A.A. Qutub 

In: Myeloid Leukemia, 2018

Bioengineering | Artificial Intelligence | Brain Health 

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