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Course videos & presentation materials
Module 1
Welcome & Introduction
Weeks 1-2
Beginner's Guide to Python
Start with the Video for Module 1 above & this link if you're new to programming
Attend seminars Monday 8/23 and Thursday 8/26 at 2:30 pm
Video and Slides for Module 1 (above & in PDF)
Do & Code
Fill out 2021 class survey
Download & install Python
Download & install PyCharm (or other editor)
Bookmark W3Schools Python Intro
Try the first code "3 ways" as presented in the video lecture (@ ~28:20 into the video)
Slides for Module 1
Module 2
Python Syntax
Weeks 2-3
W3Schools: Python Syntax Intro
Attend seminars Monday 8/30 and Thursday 9/2 at 2:30 pm
Video and Slides for Module 2 (above & in PDF)
Do & Code
Make & Upload a 15-30 sec Introduction Video about yourself here
Complete W3Schools Python Exercises 1-34, Syntax through Booleans
Try the “Joining a tiger team” syntax practice as presented in the video lecture (@ 27:48 in the video)
Module 3
Python Operators
Weeks 3-4
Attend seminar on Thusday, 9/9 at 2:30 (no class Monday)
Watch the video and slides for Module 3 (above & in PDF)
Do & Code
Complete W3Schools Python Exercises 35-39
Complete Coding Challenge I. Submit via Blackboard for grading by next Monday, Sept 13th at 11:59 pm.
Walk through why 1^2 returns 3, 1^10 returns 11, and 1^11 returns 10 in the Python command shell. For more background, see the Module 3 video @ 7:59 for an illustration of the bitwise operator NOR (^). Read more about Python logic gates in this tutorial.
Module 4
Python Logic Expressions
Weeks 4-5
W3Schools: Python "If....Else", "While" and "For Loops" Intro
Interactive | Watch
Slides for Module 4
Watch introduction videos from classmates
Upload a 15-30 sec video if you have not already here by Sept 18. You will be assigned a team via email by Sept 21. Introduce yourself to your team project members.
Complete W3Schools Python Exercises 61-78, "If....Else", "While" and "For Loops"
Optional: Complete zyBooks Chapters 5 & 6
Try the “Loop & logic” logic expression practice as presented in the video lecture
Module 5
Python Applications:
Omics and Biosensor Data Processing
Weeks 5-6
1) New to biomedicine? Read about "Omics" (Wikipedia Entry)
2) A Primer on Data Analytics in Functional Genomics: How to Move from Data to Insight?
3) 10 Clustering Algorithms with Python
4) Read about the data and challenges for the 3 class project options:
Activity data from fitness wearables (data download).
Proteomics & clinical data from cancer patients (data download)
Facebook data on COVID symptoms
Interactive | Watch
Participate in the live session (9/27), watch the "Introduction to Clustering" tutorial video and / or review slides
Link to data examples used in live session
Cluster the example fitness data in your favorite interactive high-dimensional data tool. For an example in Biowheel, see below:
Register for a free Biowheel account ( For more details on using Biowheel to visualize data, click here.
Download the Fit_Profile_2020.xlsx file, then drag and drop the data into the Biowheel browser.
Check that the data uploaded by clicking the "data" icon (first icon on the left)
Pick the data types you want to cluster (e.g., Miles Ran, Calories) by clicking the "pie" icon then the name of the data type
Cluster the data by clicking the "magic wand" icon. For details on using Biowheel to cluster data, see video here.
Try 2, 3 and 4 clusters. In k-means, k = number of clusters
Try adding or deleting the data types you cluster
Introduce yourself to your project teammates
Decide on class project topic with your teammates
Download the data for your choice of class project. For open source biomedical data stored on Synapse, you need to register an email first.
Optional: Read about Biopython and download Biopython if your team plans to use it for your course project (useful for molecular data)
Introduction to Clustering
Q & A Session
Module 6
Python Functions
Weeks 6-7
1) K-means Clustering in Python using Scikit-learn and a tutorial
2) A second K-means Clustering in Python tutorial
3) A third K-means Clustering in Python tutorial
4) Read about the syntax of Python functions in W3Schools
Attend live class sessions 10/4 and 10/7
Review the tutorial video "Introduction to Clustering"
Complete W3Schools Function Exercises
Install sci-kit learn into PyCharm or your favorite editor. Follow these instructions for PyCharm.
Download your team project data:
Cluster a subset of the data in Biowheel (see Module 5) or your favorite data clustering visualization tool.
For more details on using Biowheel to visualize data, see video tutorials here.
For details on using Biowheel to cluster data, see video here.
Copy & modify the k-means algorithm described here into an executable Python function in PyCharm in a directory where it can call your data as input
Cluster your class project data (or a subset of it) in Python using the k-means function you saved.
Logic Gates
Introduction to Binary Numbers & Bitwise Operators
Q & A Session
Recap of Python Operators
Interactive | Watch
Review Python operators: watch the Module 3 video on Python Operators, and read more about Python logic gates and the binary number system.
Question: Why does 1^11 return 10 in Python?

Read more about Python logic gates like the XOR gate above in this JournalDev tutorial (credit: Pankaj Kumar).
Circular Heatmaps & Visual Clustering
Introduction to Biowheel
Q & A Session
Interactive | Watch
Circular Heatmaps
Biowheel: a software program available to make circular heatmaps:
Register for a free academic account.
Drag and drop Excel files into the program
Select desired data and format.
For details on using Biowheel to visualize data, see video tutorials here.
As noted, Dr. Qutub and Qutub lab alumni co-founded DiBS, which developed Biowheel. The academic portal is provided for free, academic research use. Citations: Hill et al., Nature Methods, 2016; DREAM 8 Breast Cancer Portal; bioRxiv 099739; Bioinformatics Peer Prize.
Modified K-Means Clustering
For details on using Biowheel to cluster data (the "magic wand" icon @, read the description here. Clustering can be performed in an unsupervised (k-means) or semi-supervised manner.
NOTE: Students are welcome to use any choice of tool to visualize data in clusters (e.g., Excel, Biowheel, Cluster 3.0, cBioPortal) and/or design their own program. The goal of displaying the clusters via a heatmap is to identify how the cluster algorithm is handling data and grouping patterns.
Module 7
Python Functions - Part 2
Weeks 7-8
1) Read (or re-read) about the syntax of Python functions in W3Schools
2) Read the Python function tutorial from Tutorials Point.
3) Read about built-in Python functions at
4) Read another Python function tutorial from Programiz.
Interactive | Watch
Participate in the live class sessions on 10/11 and 10/14.
Complete Coding Challenge II. Submit via Blackboard for grading by next Tuesday, Oct 12th at 11:59 pm.
Meet with your team members for the class project
Plan a weekly schedule for completing the project over the next 8 weeks.
Assign weekly project parts to each team member
NOTE: Final coding presentations are 12/2 and the project report is due 12/10. The project counts for 50% of the course grade. The three Coding Challenges count for 36% (12% per Coding Challenge).
Module 8
Python Functions - Part 3
Weeks 8-9
1) Read (or re-read) about clustering in Python using sci-kit learn (sklearn)
2) Read (or re-read) "getting started" tips for PyCharm
3) Read (or re-read) installation tips for sci-kit learn (see Module 5)
Trouble with installation? See tips on installing libraries below.
Interactive | Watch
Participate in the live sessions Monday and Thursday
Install packages (sklearn + matplotlib) as outlined here (see Module 6)
Download and run the example k-means vs mini k-means program covered in the Q & A, and/or other example clustering programs. Scroll to the bottom of the scikit-learn website page to download the source code.
Follow-up from Module 7: Complete Coding Challenge II if you have not already. Submit via Blackboard for grading by Tuesday, Oct 12th at 11:59 pm.
Meet with your team members for the class project. Complete weekly assigned parts
The fitness data for Coding Challenge II can be imported into your program; data can be input into a function you define; or data can be copy/pasted into an np.array.
Coding Challenge II is focused on (1) learning to run programs in Python and (2) understanding the steps, assumptions and mathematics of clustering data. You will not be graded on data input/output for Coding Challenge II, and this material will be covered in later Modules.
Need help getting started for Coding Challenge II? Try the default k-means cluster algorithm from scikit-learn in the Python command shell on values you provide manually in a matrix via np.array. Example screenshot below.

Example of applying k-means in the Python command shell
Once you are comfortable with clustering using the command shell, try downloading and modifying a cluster program or writing your own in PyCharm or another editor.
Installation errors? Check out installation tips on scikit learn and NumPy below.
Installation Tips
Installing Scikit Learn, NumPy & matplotlib in PyCharm
Q & A Session (10/12)
Install matplotlib
K-Means Example
Python Code
Module 9
Introduction to Image Analysis in Python
Weeks 9-10
Read about Scikit-image, a Python image analysis package, and review example image processing code here. A user guide is here.
Interactive | Watch
Participate in the live class sessions on a basic introduction to image analysis in Python.
Install packages scikit-image, scipy and matplotlib.
Access and run the example code provided from the live class session.
Access the example code and cell image here
Run the code in PyCharm or another Python editor
Try uncommenting and commenting out parts of the code to display images and manipulations of images
Meet with your team members for the class project. Complete weekly assigned parts
Module 10
Introduction to Objects, Inheritance, Modules
Weeks 10-11
An introduction to modules at
W3Schools introduction to classes, objects and inheritance
Interactive | Watch
Participate in the live sessions
Complete W3Schools exercises on objects, inheritance and modules
Access and run the example code provided from the live class session.
Access the example code on modules here
Run the code in PyCharm or another Python editor
Try defining a new child class of favoriteIceCream that inherits all attributes of favoriteIceCream and includes additional attributes of 'color' and 'temperature'
Meet with your team members for the class project. Complete weekly assigned parts
Module 11
Introduction to Machine Learning and AI in Python
Weeks 11-12
W3Schools introduction to machine learning
Review scikit-learn options for machine learning algorithms
Interactive | Watch
Participate in the live sessions on predictive algorithms
Run the example linear regression model "" provided in the Q & A and modify the code by changing the input data values for "cups of coffee" and "heartrate." Try out the example provided for principle component analysis or PCA (""example_PCA_fitnessdata")
Google's Crash Course in Machine Learning
Complete Coding Challenge III and submit your answers through Blackboard by 11/15 at 11:59 pm.
Meet with your team members for the class project. Complete weekly assigned parts
Module 12
Python File Handling & Intro to Databases
Intro to Pandas data structures
Linear regression example applied to multiple input variables
Weeks 12-13
W3Schools introduction to file handling
W3Schools background on mulitple input linear regression models
Review scikit-learn's datasets
Introduction to pandas
Interactive | Watch
Participate in the live sessions on file handling and databases used in the predictive algorithms
Run the example linear regression models "" and "" provided in the Q & A and modify code to import a new dataset rom the Scikit-learn databases or a file you upload. Decide on input variables and what you want to predict.
Apply linear regression to this dataset.
Try using multiple input variables to predict the output or target attribute. See the videos above and the code examples "" and ""
Try out other predictive algorithms including Random Forest using the example code ""
Complete Coding Challenge III and submit your answers through Blackboard by 11/15 at 11:59 pm.
Meet with your team members for the class project. Complete weekly assigned parts
Modules 13-14
Working with Public Biomedical Databases
Weeks 13-14
W3Schools introduction to making a database in Python using MySQL
How to search PubMed with Python (Credit: Marco Bonzanini)
Read requirements for the class project presentations and report.
Interactive | Watch
Required: Participate in the live class presentations Thursday (12/2) on the final class projects.
Participate in the live sessions on applications of Python to public biomedical data
Explore examples of freely available biomedical databases. Examples:
Allen Brain atlases
Human Cell Atlas | Human Tissue Protein Atlas
COVID-19 databases
Leukemia Atlases
Image databases
Cluster databases
Satellite databases (e.g., CNES, NASA ECOSTRESS)
Space health & biomedical databases
Meet with your team members to work on completing the class project presentations for Thursday, Dec 2nd at 2:30 pm and reports due Friday, Dec 10th by 11:59 pm.
Modules 15-16
Final Applications of Python to the Biomedical Industry Projects
Weeks 15-16
Read requirements for the class project presentations and report.
Interactive | Watch
Participate in the live class presentations Thursday (12/2) on the final class projects.
Provide feedback to teams on Thursday 12/2. Submit via email.
Complete the class project presentations for Thursday, Dec 2nd at 2:30 pm
Submit final project reports on Blackboard by Friday, Dec 10th by 11:59 pm.
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Logic Gates
Data Visualization
Module 7
Module 8
Installation Tips
Module 9
Module 10
Module 11
Module 12
Modules 13-14
Modules 15-16
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